What are the Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency?

What are the Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency?

“I don’t need to worry about a testosterone deficit until I get older.” This is definitely false. It is much more common than you might think. It is important to not underestimate the importance of testosterone deficiency. The male body uses testosterone for many purposes. The symptoms of a testosterone deficiency can be varied. This page will help you understand the causes and what you can do to correct them.

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What is Testosterone Deficiency?

Many functions are taken over by hormones, and this includes testosterone. It is important for men to have testosterone. Hypogonadism, or testosterone deficiency, is a condition in which the body and mind have a reduced level of testosterone. The body does not have enough testosterone, as the name implies.

The bloodstream carries this messenger substance throughout the body and it affects many organs. The signs of a testosterone deficiency are many: e.g., a general lack of strength or low performance in sport. There is very little muscle building without testosterone or with low levels. Additionally, bone density declines and the likelihood of fractures increases. It becomes harder to get an erection during sex. It stops working at some point.

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Who is most affected by Testosterone Deficiency?

Many people are aware that hormone levels naturally decline as men age. Between the ages 20 and 50, testosterone levels are at their highest in healthy men. It decreases by approximately 1.2 percent each year after the age 40. This is perfectly normal. This is known as andropause, or age hypogonadism.

Many believe that testosterone deficiency affects only older men. This is incorrect. Testosterone deficiency can also be caused by younger men. Dr. Hesch explains that these men can suffer from the “biographical complex testosterone deficiency” during high levels of occupational stress. The deficiency can make the situation worse. Expert warns that this is often difficult to manage because it is sometimes impossible to find a balance between work and life.

How can you Diagnose a Testosterone Deficiency?

A mere 20% of German men have testosterone levels below 3ng/ml. This is the result of a study published by the Clinical Endocrinology Journal that examined testosterone levels in more than 2700 men.

The testosterone level is not sufficient to diagnose testosterone deficiency. The symptoms of testosterone deficiency (see Testosterone Deficiency Symptoms ) must also be present. These symptoms can indicate other diseases.

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How can testosterone deficiency be treated?

Doctors will usually recommend substitution treatment if your testosterone level falls below 12 nmol/l. Small doses of testosterone are recommended. If the level of testosterone is below 8 nmol/l, you should take action immediately. Testosterone replacement therapy can be administered as a cream, gel, injection, patch or in a cream.

This testosterone replacement therapy is something that should be considered. Because any drug therapy (i.e. Any treatment that uses drugs can have side effects and risks. First, your doctor will examine your liver, testicles and prostate to rule out prostate cancer.

What Causes too much Testosterone in the Body?

Let me start by saying that it is normal for sex hormone production to decrease over time. If your doctor discovers that your testosterone levels are dropping, there is no need to panic. A little over 12% of men aged between 40 and 70 have a testosterone deficiency. This can occur due to a variety of factors, including ageing, poor diet, sleep patterns, illness, and the use or misuse of certain medications.

What Foods are good for Testosterone Deficiency?

English researchers from the University of Worcester discovered in a study that the lower the men’s protein intake, the higher the concentration of globulins in their blood. These are the compounds that remove testosterone from the circulation. Only hormone molecules that are not bound to globulin can be used in the body. It is important to know which foods are high in protein.

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Impotence – Never again thanks to Potencialex

Close-up photo of unrecognizable man having erectile problem in bedroom

Who would want to be called “wimp?” Many male citizens of the Earth consider impotence a taboo topic and a bugbear.

Why does it not work?

A “whole man” is what every male citizen on the planet would want. This self-image is only possible because of the masculine sexual power, or the potency. It is no wonder that impotence is something one should be ashamed of if it is something he finds embarrassing. The contemptuous, ugly, and hidden in the back of one’s mind is all that remains. The back of your mind harbors the scolding word “wimp”, which targets not only the sensitive area below the belt but also the male soul.

It doesn’t have be that lovemaking sessions are fraught with fear of failure. It is normal for it not to work as smoothly as you would expect. This has nothing to do w/ actual impotence. However, nearly one fifth of men experience erectile dysfunction” as it’s known in technical jargon. Only seven percent of men are affected by the disorder, which can be so severe that therapy is required.

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Even though Charly Chaplin is a proud reference to Charly Chaplin, a man who is well-known for being who even in old age is just as frisky and capable of procreating with his partner in bed, the decline in sexual ability is often due to age. Every second man, at least temporarily, is affected by a decrease in his potency after the age 40.

Although it was believed that insufficient or no erection was a psychological problem, 70 percent of cases are now attributed to age. The remaining 70% are organic. These include serious operations, diabetes, trauma, and urological problems (prostate gland). The problem can be caused by urological problems (prostate), hormonal issues, as well as the degrading of muscles in the erectile tissues or simple arteriosclerosis.

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Why is Potencialex the best Solution against Impotence?

Why is Potencialex the best Solution against Impotence?

Erectile dysfunction is when a man doesn’t have a strong enough penis to allow him to have long-term sexual intercourse. Learn more about erectile dysfunction.

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What is Erectile Dysfunction and how can it be treated?

Erectile dysfunction is when a man can’t get a sufficiently stiff penis, or has trouble having sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction is also known as impotence by doctors.

Pathological erectile dysfunction is more common than occasional erection problems. In about 70% of cases, the man cannot get sufficient erection for at least six months.

Erectile dysfunction can:

  • Sometimes occur without any apparent cause
  • It can also be caused by another illness or injury.
  • These side effects can occur with certain medications.

Doctors refer to primary erectile disorder as a man who has not been able or able to erection. Secondary erectile dysfunction is when the problem occurs later in life after the man has had and been able erections. This is the most common.

Because of the variability in the data collection methods, the questions used and the selection of subjects, it is difficult to estimate how many people are affected. The results of studies can vary from less than 10% to more than 50%. Studies show that they are more common with age.

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Erectile Dysfunction: Causes

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by many factors. For example, nerves (to and fro the penis), blood supply and return, hormones (for instance, testosterone), and lifestyle factors (exercise and diet) are all involved in an erection. Or medication. Erectile dysfunction can also be affected by the age of the man (see above). Experts believe there are two main reasons why this happens. As we age, our pelvic floor muscles weaken and oxygen supply and blood flow to our penis decrease. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by underlying conditions such as high blood pressure or heart disease.

Erectile dysfunction is most commonly caused by:

These vascular factors can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction due to blood vessel diseases like hardening of thearteries (atherosclerosis). Blood vessels narrow down and blood flow drops.

Chronic diseases can also impact if erectile dysfunction occurs. Diabetes mellitus (diabetes), obesity, or cardiovascular disease are all risk factors as they can cause damage to blood vessels.

These are neurological factors that affect the nerves that send signals to the penis. These can be caused by conditions such as diabetes (also known as diabetic neuropathy), prostatic surgery (the nerves that supply penis are located in this area), or spinal cord injuries (chronic inflammation or the nervous system).

Hypothyroidism or a deficiency in the production of testosterone, are examples of hormonal causes. This can lead to fatigue, reduced performance, and may also impact sexual activity.

Erectile dysfunction can result from injuries such as a pelvic injury. All of them can cause damage to the structures that are sensitive for erection (for instance, vessels, nerves and erectile tissue).

It is possible to have erectile dysfunction due to medication. Certain drugs, for example, for the treatment of high blood pressure, but also antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs (for the treatment of mental illnesses) with serotonin or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors can have an adverse effect on the erectile function of the male member.

Erectile dysfunction may be psychological. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by stress and mental strain.

The ability to erection depends on your lifestyle.

Smoking (can increase blood supply) as well as excessive alcohol intake (alcohol affects nervous system and hormone balance) can be risk factors for erectile dysfunction.

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Erectile Dysfunction: What are the Symptoms?

  • Erectile dysfunction manifests itself in the inability to erection. Normal is the fact that the penis sometimes fails to erect, or falls asleep early.
  • These are some warning signs that may indicate you might be suffering from pathological erectile dysfunction
  • Feeling of numbness around the buttocks or genitals.
  • Absence of morning and nocturnal erections
  • Muscle cramps occur in the legs when you exert yourself (such as walking), and they disappear immediately after you stop. This could be called shop-window disease or claudication intermittens. In this case, blood flow is limited to the arteries. Erectile dysfunction is one possible symptom.

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How to beat Impotence with Potencialex?

How to beat Impotence with Potencialex?

Erectile dysfunction is when a man cannot maintain a satisfactory erection even after being sexually aroused for at least six months. These conditions can be either psychological or organic. They can affect men older than 50, as well as younger men. Erectile dysfunction, for example, can be caused by high cholesterol levels, depression, and diabetes mellitus. These conditions can be treated to alleviate erectile dysfunction. PDE-5 inhibitors are another medication that directly affects the blood flow to your penis. This supports sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction can be prevented by living a healthy lifestyle.

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What is Erectile Dysfunction?

A urologist will diagnose erectile dysfunction if a man fails to erection for six months, despite his sexual stimulation. This can be very frustrating for both men and couples, as it means that despite having sexual desire (libido), sexual intercourse is not possible. The long-term consequences are a decrease in quality of life, well-being, and happiness for both the partner and the man affected.

The frequency of erectile problems increases in Germany with increasing age. Erectile dysfunction affects men between the ages of 30 and 40. It is more common in women in their 70s than in their 20s. The likelihood of experiencing this type of sexual dysfunction increases as you get older. The most common form male sexual dysfunction is erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is often a subject that causes shame, and many people remain silent about it. It can cause erectile dysfunction in many ways. There are many causes of erectile dysfunction.

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What causes Erectile Dysfunction?

There are many reasons why erectile dysfunction can occur. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by mental, as well as physical problems. When erectile dysfunction is repeated, it can lead to a vicious cycle where a fear of failing develops and male self-confidence and identity are distorted. This can be caused by past stressful events in your life. This disorder is more common in those 50 years old and older.

What causes Erectile Dysfunction?

For a satisfying sex experience to be sustained and develop, all body parts must work together during sexual arousal. Because erection involves more than blood vessels and the penis. It also includes hormones and the nervous system.

A spongy structure makes up the penis’ erectile tissue. The blood supply to the penis increases when the arteries dilate due to sexual arousal. The corpora cavernosa is then filled with blood. The corpus cavernosum wall also presses on the veins responsible for blood flow. As a result, the penis becomes stiffer. The erection will not occur if there is any disturbance at this point.

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Erectile dysfunction could be caused by possible physical conditions:

Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, strokes, and tumors can all interrupt the nerve signals sent to the penis by the brain during sexual arousal, which can cause an inability to erect.

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by metabolic disorders. In the case of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (diabetes), sugar protein compounds build up on the blood vessels walls and reduce blood flow throughout your body. A permanently high level of sugar can also cause nerve damage.

The most common cause for erectile dysfunction is arteriosclerosis (hardening the blood vessels), which is a heart disease. The narrowed vessels restrict blood flow to the penis, causing too little blood to reach the erectile tissue. The blood leaves the corpus cavernosum too fast, so the penis doesn’t stay erect for long.

High blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) and coronary heart disease (CHD) are other possible causes of erectile dysfunction.

A hormonal disorder, or more specifically, a testosterone deficit, can cause erectile dysfunction. This can reduce the possibility of having an erection.

A herniated disk can affect the transmission of signals between the brain and the penis. Paraplegia is also affected by this.

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by injuries to the erectile tissues or nerve tracts or genital malformations.

Erectile Dysfunction can be caused by Psychological Factors

Erectile dysfunction, especially in young men, is often psychological. These are the most common psychological reasons for potency problems:

  • Insufficient self-confidence
  • Personality conflicts such as unacknowledged homosexuality
  • Depression
  • Unsatisfaction about one’s body can manifest itself as inhibitions and fears
  • Perform under stress and pressure
  • Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by excessive alcohol intake and medication.

What are the most common Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

Erectile dysfunction is when the penis fails to achieve stiffness or can’t maintain it for long enough to have a satisfying sexual relationship. Erectile dysfunction can develop slowly, occur during partner sex or masturbation, and does not produce the same nocturnal erections as healthy men. If the disturbances only occur in certain situations, or after a stressful event, it is possible that there is a psychological reason.

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Prevent Impotence with Eroxel

Prevent Impotence with Eroxel

Erectile dysfunction is when a man cannot erect in sufficient numbers to allow for sexual intercourse over six months. Affected men’s penis doesn’t become flaccid or hard enough. This sensitive issue is common in men and they are often reluctant to discuss it during sex.

Risk is higher for those who are older than 65

As we age, the risk of developing erectile dysfunction (formerly known as impotence) increases. One in three men over 60 are affected by erectile dysfunction while having sex. erectile dysfunction during sex.

Erectile Dysfunction can often be caused by Organic Factors

80 percent of cases are caused by physical reasons: the blood supply to penis is disrupted or the penile muscle are damaged.

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by diseases that interrupt blood flow such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and arteriosclerosis. A lack of testosterone or other medications can also cause a poor erection. There may be psychological reasons for impotence, especially in younger men.

A healthy Lifestyle can help preserve your Health for a long Period of time

Lifestyle choices that are good for your health can prevent erectile dysfunction and help you keep potency high for a long period of time. You should be active and fit, not overweight, and you should avoid nicotine and alcohol.

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Smoking and Impotence? How Eroxel helps!

Smoking and Impotence? How Eroxel helps!

It is a taboo topic to discuss impotence. What man would want to admit that he is having problems with his partner? Erectile dysfunction affects about 20% of German men between the ages 30 and 80. The number of cases that are not reported is likely to be even higher. It is painful to talk about impotence and smoking.

Scientific studies show that smokers are more likely to experience impotence than non-smokers. Smoking can be a direct cause of impotence. This consequence of smoking is often only discovered at a late stage, like many others. It is possible to still stop smoking if the right context is established.

Potency Disorders and their Causes

A penis erection is when blood vessels in the penis, the corpus cavernosum, fill with blood from increased blood flow and reduced blood outflow. The penis plays an important role in stopping blood from flowing out, among other things. Erectile dysfunction is a condition where the bodily function of the man is impaired or impossible to perform. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by age-related restrictions, as well as cigarette smoking. cigarette use. A buildup of calcium and fat in the corpus cavernosum’s blood vessels is another common cause of erectile disorder. This causes narrowing of the blood vessels that supply the corpus cavernosum. Also known as arteriosclerosis.

This causes less blood to flow into the corpus cavernosum. Diabetes, obesity, alcohol intake, and smoking are all risk factors for a decrease in the elasticity blood vessels in the corpus Cavernosum. Smoking is the most harmful. For example, smoking and high blood pressure are closely linked. Combinations of, e.g. Combinations of e.g. Age also affects tissue perfusion and elasticity of the vessels in your penis.

Combining the risk factors mentioned above, such as overweight smokers and smoking diabetics, can lead to an even greater risk. The risk factors listed above do not cause vascular calciumification only in the penis area. They can also affect other parts of your body. Potency disorders are just one effect on the cardiovascular system. Potency disorders can also indicate secondary diseases such as stroke and heart attack that affect the cardiovascular system.

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Smoking harms Potency

Recent research on the link between smoking and impotence has shown that smoking can increase the likelihood of developing impotence issues. Also, it is clear that too much can cause a lot of problems. Erectile dysfunction is more common in men who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day than those who have less than 20 cigarettes per day.

Men over 40 who smoke for a prolonged period of time are at greater risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Heavy smokers may also experience erectile dysfunction. An incredible 56% (i.e. More than half of heavy smokers are affected. Smoking is a strong threat to the fertility and potency of men. Smoking causes sperm cells to shrink, become less mobile, and are often more susceptible to genetic damage. This is often a difficult issue for smokers and those who are interested in dating. This is where possible impotence can be a problem. Love is the most important thing in life. You should quit smoking if you want to live a happy (or even romantic) life and start a family.

How quitting Smoking can help you

Most complaints that are caused by smoking can be improved, at most partially, if you quit smoking. Your skin will look better. This is because smoking causes hair loss. You can stop smoking and see a decrease in hair loss. You can also breathe easier. You can reduce the damage caused by smoking diseases like smoker’s leg.

Living a life without cigarettes greatly lowers your chances of experiencing infertility or impotence. 25 percent of ex-smokers report a significant improvement in erectile dysfunction after quitting smoking. This is due to decreased vasoconstriction, and increased vascular elasticity. vascular elasticity. You can also positively affect sperm motility by quitting smoking. Smoking and impotence are no longer an issue.

Talking to your doctor is a good idea if you are not able to quit smoking. Smoking cessation by itself does not guarantee a complete recovery. It’s never too late for you to stop smoking or get your potency issues under control. You can quit smoking now to live a healthier life and be more present in your relationships.

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What are the Causes of Erectile Dysfunction?

What are the Causes of Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is also known as erectile dysfunction or impotence. It’s when your erection stops working. This can make sexual intercourse difficult in many cases. Only those who are able to identify the root cause of their erectile dysfunction will be able to effectively combat it.

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Erectile Dysfunction – Impotence

Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which a person’s ability to erect or maintain erection is not possible or maintained. Erectile dysfunction can lead to cohabitation disorder, which is a condition that makes it impossible for couples to have sexual intercourse. Its prevalence (i.e. The prevalence of the disorder, i.e. how common it occurs in the population increases with age. Approximately 2 percent of men are affected by the disorder in their third decade, but this number rises to 53 percent in the seventh decade.

Scientific studies show that erectile dysfunction can develop at any age, but especially in middle age. These can include depression, conflict in the relationship, stress, pressure, or sexual anxiety. Erectile dysfunction in older people can be caused by systemic and organic diseases.

PDE-5 inhibitors are a class of drugs that can be used to treat erectile dysfunction. A doctor should always be consulted before using potency drugs. Psychotherapeutic treatment with behavioral therapy is often recommended for young men suffering from psychologically-induced erectile dysfunction.

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Erectile dysfunction: The root Cause

Organic causes account for up to 90% of cases of erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction was believed to be primarily psychological until about 25 years ago. Research has shown that this is no longer the case.

It is now known that at least 55 to 90 percent of cases of erectile disfunction are caused by an organic (physical) impairment. This could include changes in the penis directly, its blood supply, or the nerve pathways (diabetes).

It is important to note that men with physical erectile dysfunction often experience a psychogenic problem (such depression) which can cause stress for them and their partner. It is simple to see why: A man who has failed to erect several times begins to worry about the next intimate encounter. These thoughts can be inhibiting and have a reaffirming effect on erectile dysfunction.

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How can Impotence be treated naturally?

How can Impotence be treated naturally?

Erectile dysfunction is medically known as impotence, erectile disorder or potency disorders. This is a condition in which a man cannot erec enough penis to allow normal sexual intercourse, despite sexual stimulation.

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How does an Erection occur?

Erectile tissue is found in the penis. These vessels dilate and fill with blood during erections. The protein causes this increased filling by relaxing the muscles surrounding the blood vessels. This allows blood to flow in and the cavities of the epistle tissue become fuller. The penis becomes longer. In turn, the blood volume increases, which in turn squeezes small blood vessels in the corpus cavernosum, allowing less blood to flow out. The penis expands and straightens as a result.

Women can also experience erections, which are caused by swelling of the clitoris or labia. Erectile dysfunction can also occur in women. We are not concerned with impotence in men.


It is not possible to collect data on the frequency of impotence. But, studies and treatment data allow us to draw conclusions. Experts believe that around 20 percent of men experience erectile dysfunction, which requires treatment.

As you get older, your chances of experiencing impotence increase. While the majority of men suffering from erectile dysfunction are over 60 years old, episodes of impotence that are medically significant are common in men aged 50-60. Impotence in men below 40 years old is rare, occurring only 2% of the time.


The signs and symptoms of impotence can be found in the general population. The symptoms of impotence are generally known. This can occur, for instance, in the vagina or still during foreplay. However, it is not possible to ejaculate.

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There are many causes of impotence. Recent research has shown that impotence can have more organic causes than was previously thought. Impotence may also be a sign of diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Many times, erectile dysfunction can be caused by injuries to the pelvic or genital area.

  • Stress, anxiety, and depression can all be caused by psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety, or medication (e.g. Impotence can also be caused by hormones, beta-blockers, blood lipid lowering drugs, dehydrating agents and psychotropic drugs.
  • Common causes of impotence
  • Circulatory diseases and vascular disease such as high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and other vascular conditions
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic diseases like diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS), diseases of the nervous system, such as stroke, brain tumors, strokes, paraplegia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Hormonal disorders like testosterone deficiency and hyperthyroidism can include hypothyroidism, hypothyroidism, and testosterone deficiency.

Risk factors for Impotence:

  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • regular alcohol consumption, alcohol abuse
  • Use of drugs

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Psychological Issues associated with Impotence

Erectile dysfunction can happen at any age, but it is quite common. Problems with the mind are what cause it. Even a first-time erectile dysfunction can plunge a man into a deep crisis.

He is plagued by self-doubt, fear of failure and self-doubt. Erectile problems can be caused by the pressure to perform in the next sexual act. It is important to recognize the psychological issues associated with impotence. Man can feel stressed by the ever-increasing pressure and fear of failure. Depression and problems in the marriage can also follow. In some cases, impotence can lead to social isolation and divorce.

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Disturbed Sexuality because of Medication – Eroxel Can Change That

Disturbed Sexuality because of Medication – Eroxel Can Change That

Notice almost everyone who takes antidepressants. Is it the depression or the medication that is responsible? responsible? Experts are quick to agree that it is the disorder. But is that true?

What’s the truth?

Some people have less desire to sex while others are more receptive (are harder to get started), some are impotent and many feel so uncomfortable talking about the subject that they won’t even consider it. Others feel pain while having sex and many do not reach a peak – even when masturbating.

What can you do? Sexuality can be a delicate topic. It is a sensitive topic that few people seek help for, and very few people openly address it. It is common to think that “Maybe it’s just you” is the answer. This is a common thought. It is more common for women to assume that they can do it themselves and wonder if their love has changed. Men of these women often feel rejected and respond very differently.

It is more difficult for men who don’t feel the need to be happy. Some people see it as a way of liberating themselves. Those who feel no desire are particularly vulnerable. Others feel like complete failures. They could rely on their sexuality before. The suicide risk of men who leave for the first weekend after four weeks of being stationary is high, according to Wolfersdorf’s study. It is difficult to imagine what was attempted during that weekend, and how it failed.

Does a disturbed sexual life make it harder to get over depression? It is the opposite. Positive effects of healthy sexuality on depression symptoms.  First, antidepressants can cause sexual dysfunction much more consistently than antidepressant effects. Professor Peter Gotzsche states that antidepressants trigger sexual dysfunction, which is why he calls them “highly effective means to disrupt the sexual life”.

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Many people believe that the symptoms of antidepressants include a disturbance in sexual function. This is a false assumption. Two mechanisms are responsible for the disturbance of sexuality:

1. Drugs pass through the stomach to the small intestine. The active ingredient is then released and transported to other locations with the help the blood. Initially, however, there are a lot more active ingredients in the intestinal area, which leads to more serotonin being produced there. Serotonin does not come from the brain, but is mostly found in the gastrointestinal region. area. Here 95 percent of the body’s serotonin can be found. Most of the serotonin transporter proteins that are biochemical targets for drugs are also found in the intestinal area. The function of serotonin in the intestinal area is to contract smooth muscle. Serotonin’s effect on muscles does not have anything to do with depression. There is an SSRI that can be prescribed for antidepressant purposes, but it is only recommended by urologists. It’s called dapoxetine, and it is used to prevent premature ejaculation.

2. Too much serotonin can prevent sexuality. However, too little or too much serotonin can lead to hypersexuality or nymphomaniacs. Animal experiments using TPH2-knockout mice have shown this. Researchers made a surprising discovery in these animals. The TPH2-knockout animals performed well in standard depression tests, which pharmacologists use for determining the effectiveness of antidepressants. These animals are not depressed, even though they have no serotonin.

In principle, physicians – because the sexuality-restricting side effects have been known for a very long time – would have to take this frequently occurring side effect into account, especially if the patient is living in a partnership. Therefore, the doctor must choose an antidepressant that doesn’t trigger sexual dysfunction.

However, that is wishful thinking. It does not happen. Doctors will most often recommend SSRIs. Why is this? Because of an incorrect prescription in the U.S., and the resulting data that were adopted for Germany. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires that side effects be addressed by the patient. Only a little less than 10 percent is required for sexual dysfunction. This is why it is the official number. Sexual dysfunction is not considered to to be a common condition or to be very serious. These disorders are not common, but they do occur.

Yes, it is. You will receive different answers depending on who you ask. Montejo’s 1997 and 2001 studies on sexual dysfunction are the most well-known. Montejo stated that sexual dysfunction was more common in women than it was in men. He later reported that 60 percent of the 1400 antidepressant-treated patients had sexual dysfunction. According to personal interviews, up to 80 percent of patients affirmed that they had a disorder.

Anita Clayton has written a methodologically excellent paper. Anita Clayton reports that 40% of patients who have received SSRs are suffering from severe sexual dysfunction. dysfunction. She describes, gender differences. Tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, are more difficult for men to rouse than SSRIs. SSRIs are more likely to induce anorgasmia among women and delay ejaculation for men. Masturbation is also subject to these limitations.

Jansen-Cilag created Dapotin, an SSRI which has no indications as an antidepressant but can be used to treat premature ejaculation. Dapotin, also known as the SSRI for urology, is Dapotin. It is “supposed to” cause sexual excitability. Experts disagree on whether premature ejaculation really is a “disease” or whether drug treatment is the best option. Method of treatment.

Some pharmaceutical companies saw a market opportunity for non-SSRI antidepressants due to the sexual problem. They sent their representatives out to promote Bupropin. Bupropion, Mirtazapine, Agomelatin, or any other drug, is not something that informed people should be impressed with. Experts agree that sexual dysfunction is the leading reason patients stop taking their antidepressants. This is true for all antidepressants.

SSRIs are not the only drugs that can cause sexual impairment. All agents that affect 5-HT2C or 5-HT3 receptors can impair the sexual function. However, drugs that also act on ACh receptors and dopamine D2 receptors or block nitrogen synthesis can cause impairment. Since long, the pharmaceutical industry has known that antidepressants can cause impotence. Multiple studies have shown that Viagra can reverse the effects of SSRIs, phenelzine or fluvoxamine on impotence. These reports were published more than 20 years ago. However, your doctor may not have known until very recently that antidepressants could affect sexuality .

What does this leave us with? To recommend a specific substance, you must believe in the power of selectivity of molecules. As biochemists repeatedly demonstrated, not all antidepressant drugs can be as selective as pharmaceutical companies claim. They can be used at nearly all receptors at once.

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Can Impotence be overcome with Potencilaex?

Can Impotence be overcome with Potencilaex?

What do you do if the penis stops working in bed? The erection is not strong enough, or it doesn’t last as long as expected. Many men suffer from “erectile dysfunction”, and some are even unable to conceive. Many people who suffer from erectile dysfunction find it difficult to go to the doctor. Instead, they look online for a solution.

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Nearly every second Man older than 70 is affected

It affects many men, but few people talk about it. Nearly half of the 70-year old men and 30% of those over 60 are affected by it. This potency disorder is not suitable for self-medication. One, the majority of effective remedies are not available without prescription. Secondly, freely available sexual enhancements can be ineffective at best and even harmful. Second, at least half of cases of erectile dysfunction are due to physical causes. An important indicator of this is the inability to conceive. There are many general diseases, such as penis, prostate and testicles that must be treated.

  • High blood pressure can cause potency to be reduced by almost all medicines.
  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Diabetes
  • Multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.
  • Lifestyle factors can also play a role in erectile dysfunction. For example, obesity, smoking, chronic stress, and nicotine are all major triggers. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by psychological factors like depression or partner conflicts.

Notice: Erectile dysfunction can be considered an independent risk factor in cardiovascular disease. Erectile dysfunction should be treated as a sign of a stroke or heart attack, particularly in older men. A doctor should be consulted if erectile dysfunction is severe.

Helper No. 1: PDE-5 Inhibitors

What arrows can medicine use to combat erectile dysfunction? Prescription PDE-5 inhibitors (also known as potency pills) are the best way to go. Viagra(r) and Co. have helped men become more stable since 1998. 60-80% of people who receive them are happy with their results. PDE-5 inhibitors may not be suitable for everyone. Dangerous drops in blood pressure may occur when the nitrates are combined with certain cardiac drugs. Long-term treatment with nitrates is available in tablet form (for instance, isoket(r),retard) to treat coronary heart disease) and spray or crushed capsules (for instance, Nitrolingual(r), for angina pectoris attacks (chest tightness).

These preparations should not be taken by men who aren’t regularly using them. PDE-5 inhibitors are not recommended for patients with severe heart disease, low blood pressure, or pronounced cardiac impairment.

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Important to note that although all PDE-5 inhibitors work on the same lever they operate at different speeds and take different amounts of time. Spedra(r), for example, supports the penis within 15-30 minutes of intake and can last up to six hours. Sildenafil (e.g. Sildenafil and Vardenafil (e.g. Viagra(r) and vardenafil (e.g. Tadalafil can be taken up to 36 hours before the penis becomes ready. Cialis(r), for example, is a good choice.

High-fat meals must be avoided prior to taking the PDE-5 inhibitors. Headaches, back pain, and facial flushing are possible side effects.

Tip: PDE-5 inhibits don’t produce an erection but enhance it and improve it. Whatever preparation you choose, ensure that you provide stimulation. PDE-5 inhibitors can’t do miracles without sexual stimulation and excitement.

Pumping, Injecting, or Lubricating

There are alternatives for men who can’t take PDE-5 inhibitors.

The vacuum pump, for example, is available without prescription. The vacuum pump works by creating a vacuum and swelling the erectile tissue.

The (prescription) erectile tissues auto-injection therapy, SKAT is a good option for those who don’t fear needles. The patient will inject vasodilator medication into their corpus cavernosum under the supervision of a physician. Alprostadil (e.g. Caverject(r) or Viridal(r)) or papaverine/phentolamine (e.g. Androskat(r), which is approved in Germany but not sold there, can be used for this purpose. It is also available at international pharmacies under private prescription. 70% to 90% of men experience a good erection using SKAT. Some men experience painful erections that last more than two hours. If this happens, consult a doctor, especially a urologist. Permanent erections that are not treated within 24 hours can cause damage to the corpus cavernosum and a persistent inability for erection.

Alprostadil can also be injected into the urethra using a rod, such as the MUSE(r). The procedure is effective for 40 percent of men and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. It can also last up to an hour.

Tip: Do not inject into your erectile tissues or insert anything into the urethra. Ask your doctor about alprostadil creams (such as Vitaros(r). The cream should be applied to the tip and the member should be able to erect within 5-30 minutes. It will then be ready to use for approximately 2 hours.

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Help with Shock Waves

The vacuum pump and SKAT aren’t very popular with men due to their inconvenience. Low-energy shock waves are a discreet option for urologists who want to provide more potency. They are meant to increase blood flow to the erectile tissues and improve erection. To give the penis an extra boost, it takes between 4 and 12 30-minute sessions. The study results are still inconsistent. One study showed that shock waves had a significant effect on potency in men. However, only 30% of those treated experienced a significant increase in their potency after two years. This method was particularly ineffective for diabetics.

Is manhood a gift from the natural World?

Even though it’s often promoted, the power of nature doesn’t really help impotent people. It is not known if Yohimbe bark, Damiana leaf, and Damiana herb have any effect on erectile dysfunction. Even Yohimbe bark can cause sleep disturbances, blood pressure rise, and liver damage. The homeopathic use of the substances is safe, however, there has been no evidence that they have an uplifting effect.

Media are also referring to arginine as an amino acid with a potency-increasing property. Arginine is essential for the formation nitric oxide. This plays a major role in dilation of blood vessels. Supplementing with arginine is only possible if the blood has a deficiency. Contradictory evidence does not support the claim that the substitution will result in an improvement in the erection. If the individual concerned is on blood thinners or has had a heart attack, arginine products should not be used.

Not to be trusted with erectile dysfunction remedies from the internet. Instead, consult your doctor or pharmacist. Most of the remedies you find online are ineffective and even dangerous. For example, potency gels often contain nitrates which can lead to dangerous drops in blood pressure for heart patients.

Training for the Penis

The penis can be trained using sports to prevent erectile dysfunction. For erectile tissue blood circulation, the best exercises are leg press, stepping and training on a stationary bicycle. However, targeted pelvic floor training can also be beneficial. You will have the best chance of having erections that are satisfying.

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