How does Testosterone Deficiency Happen?

Different factors can cause testosterone deficiency in women and men. Women produce less testosterone than men. The testosterone production is primarily controlled by the testes in men. However, it is particularly dependent on the ovaries in women.

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Hypofunction of the Testicular

Hypofunction is a condition in which a man’s testicles do not produce enough testosterone. This is called primary hypogonadism. It means that the body has a low level of testosterone. Hypofunction can be caused by a variety of factors, including certain diseases (e.g. Klinefelter’s Syndrome) or injuries caused by an accident.

The Pill and the Oestrogens

The testosterone level in the blood could drop if women use the contraceptive pill, which usually contains the female sex hormones progesterone and oestrogen. Menopausal women who take oestrogen supplement may also experience this. Over time, this can lead to a testosterone deficit. The testosterone deficiency can be corrected if women stop using the drugs.

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Antiandrogens are used to treat the Condition

Antiandrogens are sometimes prescribed to women suffering from hair loss or acne. Antiandrogens block the hormone testosterone’s action in the body. It is possible to experience similar symptoms as a true testosterone deficiency.

Disorders of the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland

A testosterone deficiency in both men and women can be caused by disorders in the brain’s higher-level control centers – the hypothalamus and the pituitary (hypophysis). They produce insufficient amounts of hormones that stimulate testosterone production in the testes and ovaries (man and woman).

Testosterone Deficiency in old Age

Both sexes experience a decrease in testosterone concentration with age. It decreases in men after the age of 40 due to decline in testicular function. This is called late-onset hypogonadism, or “hypogonadism for the aged male”. A testosterone deficiency can also occur in women with age. However, this is usually seen after menopause. This is also due to a decline in hormone production.


Chronic diseases like cirrhosis, sickle cell and cancer (e.g. Ovarian cancer, kidney disease, and other chronic diseases can all lead to a testosterone deficit in both men and women.

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Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids, which are used to increase muscle mass, are a popular choice for young men and women. Anabolic steroids contain artificial testosterone which helps to increase the size of your muscles in a similar manner to natural testosterone.

If you use anabolic steroids for a prolonged period (months or years), your body’s testosterone production will be reduced. The body might not be able produce enough testosterone later. This can lead to a testosterone shortage.

Do you take Drugs?

Both men and women may experience a decrease in testosterone production due to alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs. This is due to the fact that regular drug use and environmental toxicities can disrupt hormone production in both the testes, and ovaries.

Severe Malnutrition

Malnutrition can cause a disruption in the body’s hormonal balance. Changes in hormone secretion. Massive undernutrition (e.g. Anorexia nervosa, or anorexia, can lead to a testosterone deficiency.

What are the Normal Testosterone Levels for Men and Women?

The testosterone produced by men is significantly higher than that of women. The testosterone level in adult men is between 3.5 to 11.5ng/ml (12-40 numol/l). The testosterone levels in women are significantly lower than those of men. Adult women have testosterone levels between 0.15 to 0.6 ng/ml (0.5-2.0 nmol/l). Fluctuations are normal due to the effect of age, menstrual cycle, and time of day on androgen levels.

What can you do to correct a Testosterone Deficit?

Your doctor may prescribe hormone treatment for testosterone if you have a testosterone deficit and no other conditions are causing the symptoms. The doctor will replace the affected person’s testosterone. It is possible to support the therapy and prevent deficiency by boosting the body’s natural production (e.g. Exercise and diet.)

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