What are the Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency?

“I don’t need to worry about a testosterone deficit until I get older.” This is definitely false. It is much more common than you might think. It is important to not underestimate the importance of testosterone deficiency. The male body uses testosterone for many purposes. The symptoms of a testosterone deficiency can be varied. This page will help you understand the causes and what you can do to correct them.

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What is Testosterone Deficiency?

Many functions are taken over by hormones, and this includes testosterone. It is important for men to have testosterone. Hypogonadism, or testosterone deficiency, is a condition in which the body and mind have a reduced level of testosterone. The body does not have enough testosterone, as the name implies.

The bloodstream carries this messenger substance throughout the body and it affects many organs. The signs of a testosterone deficiency are many: e.g., a general lack of strength or low performance in sport. There is very little muscle building without testosterone or with low levels. Additionally, bone density declines and the likelihood of fractures increases. It becomes harder to get an erection during sex. It stops working at some point.

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Who is most affected by Testosterone Deficiency?

Many people are aware that hormone levels naturally decline as men age. Between the ages 20 and 50, testosterone levels are at their highest in healthy men. It decreases by approximately 1.2 percent each year after the age 40. This is perfectly normal. This is known as andropause, or age hypogonadism.

Many believe that testosterone deficiency affects only older men. This is incorrect. Testosterone deficiency can also be caused by younger men. Dr. Hesch explains that these men can suffer from the “biographical complex testosterone deficiency” during high levels of occupational stress. The deficiency can make the situation worse. Expert warns that this is often difficult to manage because it is sometimes impossible to find a balance between work and life.

How can you Diagnose a Testosterone Deficiency?

A mere 20% of German men have testosterone levels below 3ng/ml. This is the result of a study published by the Clinical Endocrinology Journal that examined testosterone levels in more than 2700 men.

The testosterone level is not sufficient to diagnose testosterone deficiency. The symptoms of testosterone deficiency (see Testosterone Deficiency Symptoms ) must also be present. These symptoms can indicate other diseases.

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How can testosterone deficiency be treated?

Doctors will usually recommend substitution treatment if your testosterone level falls below 12 nmol/l. Small doses of testosterone are recommended. If the level of testosterone is below 8 nmol/l, you should take action immediately. Testosterone replacement therapy can be administered as a cream, gel, injection, patch or in a cream.

This testosterone replacement therapy is something that should be considered. Because any drug therapy (i.e. Any treatment that uses drugs can have side effects and risks. First, your doctor will examine your liver, testicles and prostate to rule out prostate cancer.

What Causes too much Testosterone in the Body?

Let me start by saying that it is normal for sex hormone production to decrease over time. If your doctor discovers that your testosterone levels are dropping, there is no need to panic. A little over 12% of men aged between 40 and 70 have a testosterone deficiency. This can occur due to a variety of factors, including ageing, poor diet, sleep patterns, illness, and the use or misuse of certain medications.

What Foods are good for Testosterone Deficiency?

English researchers from the University of Worcester discovered in a study that the lower the men’s protein intake, the higher the concentration of globulins in their blood. These are the compounds that remove testosterone from the circulation. Only hormone molecules that are not bound to globulin can be used in the body. It is important to know which foods are high in protein.

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